I took note of a few items that came my way over the past couple of weeks and spotted a common theme.
John Wesley was the founder of the Methodist Church. He was born in 1703 and lived to be 87. I saw this quote on June 28, his birthday:
"The longer I live, the larger allowances I make for human infirmities. I exact more from myself, and less from others. Go thou and do likewise!"
Hold yourself to high standards, but be kind to others who won't or can't meet them. That's a good rule of thumb. Everyone is on their own path, not yours.
But sometimes, you're on a team. Or you're leading a team. Teams have goals. Not all team members have the same abilities, but they have to blend together.
College basketball broadcaster Jay Bilas talked about Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski (Coach K) on a recent Soup With Coop episode. Bilas, who played for him, says Coach K isn't as patient as he may appear. When an issue comes up, "he doesn't let it go. If it's a small thing he'll address it right away so it doesn't become a big thing,"
What's another word for "small thing?"
A detail. To achieve team goals, details matter. Famous national brands got that way, at least initially, through a commitment to quality. Duke is the biggest "brand" in college basketball.
Which brings to mind the wisdom of Carlos Marvez, the late father of comedian Monique Marvez. On her pre-Father's Day Talk of Our Times, Monique shared his wisdom:
"Retail is detail, and you're always selling something, even if it's yourself."
Before Coach K could build and sustain the Duke brand, he had to sell himself to talented recruits. Jay Bilas went to Duke before Coach K was ever famous because Bilas liked and trusted him. Bilas was on the first of Coach K's 12 Final Four teams.
Likewise, John Wesley "sold himself." He had to preach good sermons for Methodism to have grown so rapidly.
Monique provides other gems from her father:
"You don't have to tell the fat kid he's fat. He knows it."
"If the village idiot gives you his best ball of string, you take it and say thank you."
"If you are the intellectual superior in any relationship, it is your moral obligation to see that it goes well."
It sounds like Carlos Marvez, as John Wesley puts it, made "larger allowances for human infirmities."
Based on what Monique has (lovingly) said about him, I don't think Carlos Marvez had a lot in common with John Wesley. Not on the surface level.
But they agree with this: be your best, and be gracious to others.
Happy Friday, and may my American readers enjoy the Independence Day weekend!
James Leroy Wilson writes from Nebraska. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter. If you enjoy his articles, subscribe and exchange value for value. You may contact James for your writing, editing, and research needs: jamesleroywilson-at-gmail.com. Permission to reprint is granted with attribution.
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