I recently watched a 2016 Eloise King interview with Neale Donald Walsch, King repeats the question Walsch had asked in his Conversations with God: How can 7 billion people on this planet all want exactly the same thing: to be loved, to be happy, to be secure, to live in harmony… and not be able to achieve it?"
Walsch says we've been trying for several thousand years, and if we were scientists in a laboratory, we'd say "obviously there's something we don't understand here." Walsch says "seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all these things will be added unto you," without effort.
According to Walsch, we are "individuations of divinity." We are all one; there's no separation between us just as there is no separation “between a drop in the ocean and the ocean itself." If we understood that, we wouldn't put dollars ahead of feeding starving children. "If we can figure out how to put a man on the moon, if we can dissect the human genome, we can find ways to stop humanity's cruelty to itself." Walsch also says the global economic system based on "bigger, better, more," is unsustainable.
Later. I watched a documentary from the 1980s: The Hutterites: To Care and Not to Care. It's about a sect now numbering 50,000+ spread over 450 colonies in the northern plains of the U.S. and prairie provinces in Canada.
The colonies are isolated communities averaging around 100 people in each, too far from any town that a child could walk to. Virtually everything is owned by the community, and all food and clothing is produced on-site. There appears to be very little independent work; most things are done by at least a few people working together. Families live in apartments assigned to them, but most meals are with the community. Modern technology and equipment are used for work, but generally not for entertainment or recreation.
The leaders are a lay pastor chosen by lot, and a secretary chosen by election to manage the business affairs of the colony. There are also a few other "bosses" in charge of different aspects of the work. These roles are viewed as responsibilities rather than status symbols. When a colony gets too big, plans are made to purchase more land and set up a new colony.
Nobody is paid, so nobody has an interest in looking more "successful" than their neighbor. Centuries before Marx, the Hutterites were receiving "from each according to his ability” and giving “to each according to his needs."
I'm not saying we should all become Hutterites. Theirs is not the same “God” Walsch believes in. Their system is highly patriarchal. The "strap" is used on misbehaving children in school. Sexuality is restricted. The Hutterite theology is rigid. It doesn't take long to find articles about former members who were dissatisfied with some or all aspects of the Hutterite way of life.
On the other hand, perhaps the religious strictness is what's allowed these communities to thrive. Since about 400 Hutterites migrated to North America 150 years ago, their numbers have increased more than 100-fold. How many other anarcho-communist communities have ever lasted more than one generation, if that?
The Hutterites express, in some ways, what Walsch is talking about. Everyone in the community recognizes they are all "one." They live in service to others instead of their own self-gratification. They find joy in community. Their internal economy is one of sharing.
They're also opposed to all wars and won't fight in them.
It seems as if the Hutterites "seek first the kingdom of heaven" and all these things - love, security, happiness, harmony" are added unto them.
Maybe this way of life isn't for everybody.
But is a way of life based on endless striving and conflict for anybody?
James Leroy Wilson writes from Nebraska. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter. If you enjoy his articles, subscribe and exchange value for value. You may contact James for your writing, editing, and research needs: jamesleroywilson-at-gmail.com. Permission to reprint is granted with attribution.
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